XLF on 01-17-2024

CTA for XLF as of 2024-01-16
CTA for XLF as of 2024-01-16
CTA for XLF as of 2024-01-17
CTA for XLF as of 2024-01-17
MTP for XLF as of 2024-01-17
MTP for XLF as of 2024-01-17
Chart for XLF as of 2024-01-17
Chart for XLF as of 2024-01-17

The CTA report suggests the longs may be reducing their positions, and at the same time the MTP report flashed its first sell signal. Yesterday (the 16th) saw a full candle below the 9SMA, so the max buy signals on the longer timeframes of the MTP report might be at their top?

Bought a PUT at open to see where that leads.